One of THE most important tools we like to have during our ideation and concept-ing stage is a sketch book. Whenever we are brainstorming our next project, the first thing we do is thrown down a rough sketch to get all of our ideas and thoughts out on to paper. Being able to draw out a design while it’s still fresh on our mind is something we always like to have access to.

In addition to the overall look of a new project, we also like to map out how we want to execute the new design, knowing that we will be making it out of second hand clothes. Ideating on how and where to de-seam a garment, where to re-use existing elements, and overall pattern and color blocking placement, are all things we like to flesh out before beginning the actual process.

We always tell ourselves “When in doubt, sketch it out!” This always leads to better execution and allows for the development of specific steps and processes that help us achieve our goal in regenerative design.

Below is a peek into some of the first initial sketches of some of our designs :)



D Concepcion