Introducing our Summer ‘24 Secondhand Style Lookbook by RE.POST. We’ve always loved styling and putting together unique, one-of-a-kind outfits, and what better way to do it sustainably with the secondhand clothes we’ve collected and curated. Check out the looks below :) All of these items and more will be available to shop at our June RE.POST Pop-Up Garage Event.


D Concepcion
Archival Lots

Often times when we begin to collect items secondhand, we begin to pull together Archival Lots of pieces that speak to a certain era, time, and in this case, brand identity. Here we have a selection of curated Neo Vintage 90’s and Y2K Old Navy, GAP and BR pieces that really illustrate the fit and vibe of a certain time period. It’s really cool to see the re-emergence of boxier silhouettes and baggy fits that are reminiscent of past trends, along with the heavy quality and durability in clothes of the past. The fact that these pieces are between 20-30 years old is pretty crazy, which makes them even more special.


D Concepcion

Introducing our Spring ‘23 Secondhand Style Lookbook by RE.POST. We’ve always loved styling and putting together unique, one-of-a-kind outfits, and what better way to do it sustainably with the second hand clothes we’ve collected and curated for our next Pop-Up Event in February. Check out the looks below :) Stayed tuned on info on our Feb Pop-Up Event where you can shop these looks and more at RE.POST Garage.


D Concepcion

The tactility and detail that comes with handcrafted goods has always interested us and has been something that we’ve always tried our best to illustrate through our online presence. We’ve felt that come through on what we’ve been able to achieve via our online shop and marketing, but the idea of a physical space where people could come and see our handmade goods and experience our design process in-person, was always on our radar.

We’ve always been fascinated with the small, hidden retail shops in Japan we experienced while visiting neighborhoods like Nakameguro, Daikanyama and Shimokita and wanted to bring that same kind of vibe with our own little Pop-Up shop here in Oakland. We re-imagined a small garage in a North Oakland neighborhood, dusting off old vintage furniture and DIY-ing anything we could to transform the space into a small shop we could open up to the public.

RE.POST GARAGE is our Regenerative Design and Repair Shop where we will be hosting monthly Pop-Up Events (or by appointment only) where you can come see and experience our curated selection of secondhand and up-cycled goods in North Oakland. For our upcoming Pop-Up dates, please follow us on Instagram for live updates. Hope to see you there :)


D Concepcion

One of THE most important tools we like to have during our ideation and concept-ing stage is a sketch book. Whenever we are brainstorming our next project, the first thing we do is thrown down a rough sketch to get all of our ideas and thoughts out on to paper. Being able to draw out a design while it’s still fresh on our mind is something we always like to have access to.

In addition to the overall look of a new project, we also like to map out how we want to execute the new design, knowing that we will be making it out of second hand clothes. Ideating on how and where to de-seam a garment, where to re-use existing elements, and overall pattern and color blocking placement, are all things we like to flesh out before beginning the actual process.

We always tell ourselves “When in doubt, sketch it out!” This always leads to better execution and allows for the development of specific steps and processes that help us achieve our goal in regenerative design.

Below is a peek into some of the first initial sketches of some of our designs :)



D Concepcion

We started RE.POST at the beginning of 2020, a few months before the pandemic set in. Although this particular timing hasn’t been the best to launch RE.POST, it has definitely been an interesting time creatively for us. It has lead us to think outside the box and brainstorm about how this pandemic would ultimately alter our design process and pave way for new ideas that we otherwise would never had thought about conceptualizing.

New mask ideas, integrated pockets for sanitizers, graphics signaling the “new normal” - have all been ideas we’ve thought a lot about this past year. Adapting some of our designs to capture this unique point in time we are all going through has been a fun, and also rewarding process, despite the circumstances.

Below are a few of our favorite projects that have developed out of this past year…


D Concepcion

Deconstruction has been something we’ve been exploring since starting RE.POST. It’s been interesting to turn what we’ve learned as apparel designers upside down and essentially “work backwards” to achieve our end goal and product.

In design school we were taught garment construction and were expected to have basic knowledge of garment construction when entering the corporate design world. Since launching RE.POST, this mentality has totally changed. We believe the future of fashion design is learning and understanding how to deconstruct a garment to prepare it to be reconstructed into something “new”.

Learning to de-seam a garment, open hems, slice open side seams, creatively place pattern pieces, is the new way we want to think about designing and where we think all designers interested in pursuing sustainable design should begin.

Below is a short video clip of us deconstructing second hand jeans with a utility blade, scissors and seam rippers, in what would eventually become a one-of-a-kind denim jacket. Swipe right to view video. :)


D Concepcion

Styling using up-cycled and second hand goods is always a fun challenge. Knowing that you are essentially working with one-of-a-kind pieces allows us to be truly creative in how we outfit and put together a look. The challenge for us also lies in how you can revitalize something old or vintage and bring new life beyond its previous one. Here are a few up-cycled and second hand looks we’ve put together. Click on image to see all 6 looks. Enjoy :)


D Concepcion
Item Curation

Here at RE.POST, our goal is to encourage people to shop up cycled and second-hand. Our way of beginning this process is through Item Curation. When we thoughtfully gather enough items we think will tell a compelling story or create a beautiful range, we do a “throw down” of the product and photograph it.

Being able to visualize the intent we have of each second-hand garment and inspire the buyer to see its new life is an important part of the process for us. Here we have a beautiful range of camo that we curated as well as an indigo blues range we’re super stoked about!


D Concepcion
RE.POST 2021...

Hi All! One of our goals here at RE.POST was to begin documenting our process and our approach to sustainable design. Whether it’s shopping for vintage and second-hand goods, gathering inspiration, or up-cycling garments into new items, we’d like to show you how we ideate, conceptualize and create here at RE.POST.

Our idea is by sharing the process here with you, we’d like to inspire people to think about how they shop and give them an inside look into the steps and work that go into what we do here at RE.POST. Stay tuned…. :)


D Concepcion

Welcome to RE.POST! We are an Oakland based brand of handmade and secondhand goods, focusing on creating new products from post-consumer items. Our goal is to turn anything, from old pairs of denim to discarded goods, into new items.

We launched RE.POST in the beginning of 2020 with the idea of creating compelling products with a clean and modern design aesthetic, while maintaining an eco-friendly and sustainable purpose.

Our vision is to re-purpose and re-cycle what already exists and challenge ourselves to create ideas that bring new value and life to the products we design and curate.



D Concepcion