Deconstruction has been something we’ve been exploring since starting RE.POST. It’s been interesting to turn what we’ve learned as apparel designers upside down and essentially “work backwards” to achieve our end goal and product.

In design school we were taught garment construction and were expected to have basic knowledge of garment construction when entering the corporate design world. Since launching RE.POST, this mentality has totally changed. We believe the future of fashion design is learning and understanding how to deconstruct a garment to prepare it to be reconstructed into something “new”.

Learning to de-seam a garment, open hems, slice open side seams, creatively place pattern pieces, is the new way we want to think about designing and where we think all designers interested in pursuing sustainable design should begin.

Below is a short video clip of us deconstructing second hand jeans with a utility blade, scissors and seam rippers, in what would eventually become a one-of-a-kind denim jacket. Swipe right to view video. :)


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